Saturday, July 30, 2005

After the hiatus

A month has passed & now only i get the time i hv waited for. I get to update the blog.
continuing from where i left off, the trip went well. Even the indian customs part !

Things hv been hectic in Chennai. Got my bike as planned; though it gave me a scare on monday.
I had a brake fail :( ...... late at night !
It happened near a place Thiruvanmiyur at arnd 10 p.m. Anyone familiar with Chennai will
know what kinda busy place that is. Thankfully i was not driving too fast when it seems that
the nuts for the brake plate came off.

But with His grace - nothing untoward happened.
Thank you, my lord :)

This has been a nice year for me , personally. I have made quite a few investments for the first time in life. The house - the bike. But the big thing is yet to come.
No, not for me; my bro. I think that shud wrap up my filial responsibilities by november.
Not completely, of course, but to a large extent.

Neways, a trip to Delhi in november is just the thing the doctor ordered for me.

Sayonara - till next time.