Wednesday, April 25, 2012


There are some things that cause me so much aggravation... I take the Chicago El to work. I have noticed a simple fact on it. People don't get rid of their backpacks. Never. Not even when the train is jam packed at rush hour. How freaking tough is it to see that taking the backpack off will take the significant congestion away from the car?
I had high regards for the median IQ of the white race. I am beginning to rethink. :D


Renz said...

babbling out here won't help you (except my sympathies). why don't you paste this message outside the El car :)

w1536uy said...

Trust me, I have told people that it would help if they just took the backpacks off. Almost all just smile and try to move to a side... I have never said that to Fat people though - I don't want to get beat up :)

Renz said...

people think that since they are backpacks, they are meant to be on back. If you want to get your point across, drop this message in the suggestion box. well just a suggestion, what do you say...

w1536uy said...

Thats a good suggestion... If I don't do it, who will? Besides, *evil* flourishes when good men do nothing.

I shall do it.

Renz said...

great, did you do it ?

w1536uy said...

Yeah - I did. Limited success though. Some listened, others pretended like they could not hear me.

Probably my accent !
